What is a Transaction Coordinator?
A Transaction Coordinator (TC) monitors and manages every phase of real estate transactions from the signed contract to the closing table. A TC is typically hired by Real Estate Agents and Brokers, assisting them with their home Listing and Purchase transactions. For years, Real Estate Professionals have trusted and utilized our knowledge of the real estate transaction process, and for the first time, we’re passing our knowledge, experience, and services to you (see Services Page for details).

Do you have a cancellation fee?
There are no cancellation fees, no up-front fees and no hidden fees. FSBOprocessor ONLY gets paid if your transaction successfully closes! We get paid through escrow, so there is no payment made directly out of pocket.

Is my information and transactional paperwork secure?
We do not share your information with anyone and they are very secure. We have strict guidelines and every bit of information you provide us is confidential to parties involved in your transaction.

Can I contact you at anytime?
Absolutely, we understand that you may have questions before, during, and even after your transaction. We welcome you to call or email us at anytime during our normal business hours.

What do you do with the completed file after closing?
Per BRE compliance, FSBOprocessor keeps record of all paperwork and documents for every transaction. After closing, you will receive shared access to your completed file from our secured online “cloud” system. You can access it at any time, download it to your computer, or save to disk.

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